Green trees and pink flowering branches on trees surrounded by green grass and brown mulch below blue skies.

Conifer Arboretum

Arthur and Janet Ross Conifer Arboretum

The Arthur and Janet Ross Conifer Arboretum is a piece of living history. These irreplaceable trees were among the first planted at the Garden in the early 1900s, making them the oldest and among the most distinguished of the Garden’s collections.

Planted across 37 acres between the Conservatory and the Library building, this majestic collection features more than 250 mature pines, spruces, and firs native to the alpine forests of the American west, the windswept shores of Japan, and the boreal forests of Alaska.

With needles ranging from bright green to powder blue, the evergreens of the Ross Conifer Arboretum offer wonderful color and texture in all seasons.

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