Floras, Checklists, and Inventories
Among the many products of the research published by scientists at The New York Botanical Garden are Floras. Floristic publications document and describe the diversity of a given group of plants growing in specific geographic areas. They may be floras of algae, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms or combinations of these groups. Floras are important because they allow both amateur and professional botanists to identify plants, which is the first step in developing a deeper appreciation of plants and for carrying out research on them. Scientific Floras serve as the basis for field guides. Floras are usually more detailed and contain more biological information than Checklists or Inventories.
NYBG’s Floristic Projects:
Conservation Assessment of Intertidal Vascular Plants of the Hudson River Estuary
Floristic Inventory of a Neglected Biodiversity Hotspot: Myanmar’s Northern Forest Complex
Floristic Inventory of the Tapajos National Forest and Amazonia National Park
Lichen Biodiversity of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
Monographia: Open-source Software to Automate Revisionary Systematic Studies
The New Manual of Vascular Plants Project by NYBG
New York City EcoFlora
Palms of Vietnam
Plant Diversity in the Montane forest of Pernambuco
Plant, Fungal and Linguistic Diversity of Tafea Province, Vanuatu
Project Rondônia and Floristic Exploration in Southwest Amazonia
Updating the First Catalogue of the Flora of Acre, Brazil