Climate Resilience Advisory Group

The Climate Resilience Advisory Group for the Nuturing Nature project consists of botanical garden leaders, and plant, ecology, nature-based solutions, and biodiversity experts. The group will lead in the development of an Action Plan that will serve as a science-based roadmap for increasing climate resilience through plant-based solutions.

david bartholomew

David Bartholomew

GBS Project Manager, Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI). Project manager, The Global Biodiversity Standard. Co-founder, The Little Environmental Action Fund (LEAF). Specializes in creating ecological restoration guidelines that emphasize native plant life and restoring biodiversity.

wilson ramirez

Wilson Ramirez

Director, Centre for Nature based Solutions, Institute Alexander von Humboldt. Coordinator of the Institute’s territorial management program, where he organizes government and nonprofit entities in their projects to restore Colombian forests, sharing best practices and methodology. Lead author of the IPBES report “Land Degradation and Restoration.”

george gann

George Gann

Executive Director at Institute for Regional Conservation, International Policy Lead for Society for Ecological Restoration, The Institute for Regional Conservation (IRC). 2023 recipient of the Bradshaw Medal from the Society for Ecological Restoration. Co-author of “International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration, Second Edition” (Gann et al. 2019).

michel masozera

Michel Masozera

Director of Policy and Institutional Partnerships for Africa, WCS. Former Deputy Wildlife Practice Leader for Africa, WWF International. Former head of WCS’s Rwanda program, where he oversaw the creation of Nyungwe Forest National Park. 2004 recipient of the National Geographic/Buffet Award for Leadership in African Conservation.

tiziana ulian

Tiziana Ulian

Associate Professor at Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Torino. Honorary Research Associate and Head of Ecosystem Stewardship at Kew Gardens. Host of TED Talk, “Seeds as Natural Capital.” Specializes in the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources.

maria uriarte

Maria Uriarte

Chair of Ecology, Evolution and Evolutionary Biology (E3B) at Columbia University. Recipient of the Leopold Leadership Fellowship from the Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University and the Science without Borders Fellowship from the Brazilian government. Researches the dynamics of forest ecology under pressure from human use and natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires.

miguel calmon

Miguel Calmon

Senior Director of Programs, Conservation International. Senior Manager for Landscape Restoration at the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Counsellor, PretaTerra. Researcher focusing on the restoration of degraded ecosystems in Brazil.

laura toro

Laura Toro

Researcher, Missouri Botanical Garden. Lead organizer of the Monitoring Restoration Effectiveness working group. Her research focuses on creating best practices for the cost-effective restoration of degraded tropical forests, and understanding the biotic and abiotic barriers to restoring biodiversity.

karen holl

Karen Holl

Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California Santa Cruz. Author of Primer of Ecological Restoration, Island Press, Washington, DC. 2017 co-winner of the Theodore Sperry Award for innovative restoration research, Society for Ecological Restoration.

suzanne prober

Suzanne Prober

Senior Principal Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Professor at the University of Western Australia. Leader of the Great Western Woodlands Supersite, a long-term ecological research site of the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network (TERN).

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