Plants as Liberation: Patrick Wilkin

Posted in History & People , Videos on October 23, 2023, by Cosette Patterson

“I really enjoy the Garden, it…reminds me of my childhood. And that’s what made me stay here.”

We’re back with another Plants as Liberation talk, where Arvolyn Hill, Manager of the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, interviews Black herbalists, houseplant enthusiasts, farmers, and gardeners to learn how they’re using plants as powerful means of expression.

In this video, Arvolyn Hill joins Patrick Wilkin, a tram driver at NYBG, at the African American Garden: The Caribbean Experience. Wilkin discusses how the plants within the garden remind him of his birthplace, the small island of Nevis, in the Caribbean Sea, and how growing up with herbalism fostered a close connection with the botanical world. Wilkin also discusses how that connection ties into NYBG, where he has worked for 52 years.

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