1000 Plants Initiative
Dennis Stevenson and collaborators
The 1000 plants (oneKP or 1KP) initiative is an international multi-disciplinary consortium that has generated large-scale gene sequencing data for over 1000 species of plants. Major supporters include Alberta Ministry of Innovation and Advanced Education, Musea Ventures (Somekh Family Foundation), Beijing Genomics Institute in Shenzhen (BGI-Shenzhen), China National GeneBank (CNGB), iPlant Tree-of-Life (iPToL) Grand Challenge, Compute Canada (Westgrid), Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF-iCORE Strategic Chair). The sample selection was originally based on a series of overlapping sub-projects with scientific objectives that could be addressed by sequencing multiple plant species. The overall scope of the project now includes species of interest to agriculture and medicine, as well as green algae, extremophytes, and non-flowering plants.
More information:
Web site: 1000 Plants
Global Plant Council Blog Post: 1000 Plants
Related Project: Evolution and Development in Lycophytes and Ferns