Climate Change & Climate Mitigation
Evelyn Beaury
Mitigating global climate change is essential to protecting biodiversity and sustaining human livelihoods. Global plans for mitigating climate change (e.g., net zero emissions policies) require technological advancements as well as changes in land-use and land-management sectors. These plans often involve a high degree of land-use change, with both positive and negative consequences for humans and biodiversity. How and where should we dedicate land to technology-based advancements (e.g., wind and solar energy deployment) vs. nature-based efforts to mitigate climate change (e.g., ecosystem restoration)? How can plant processes and vegetation structures contribute to greenhouse gas emissions reductions and removals? What are the biodiversity outcomes of efforts to mitigate climate change?
Selected publications:
Beaury, E. M., Smith, J., & Levine, J. M. (2024). Global suitability and spatial overlap of land-based climate mitigation strategies. Global Change Biology, 30, e17515. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17515
Smith, J. R., Beaury, E. M., Cook-Patton, S. C., Levine, J. M. Impacts of land-based climate mitigation on area of habitat for vertebrate diversity. In review (text available on request)
More information:
Website: Evelyn Beaury Research
Related projects: Translational Ecology